
Showing posts from January, 2009

Migration Automation Tool: Migrate Google Analytics GA3 / Universal Analytics(UA) to GA4 using Google Tag Manager

Here is POC on Migrating GA3 / Universal Analytics to GA4 using Google Tag Manager. Demo Covers: Creation of GTM Account, Container and Workspace for tags  Adding GTM codes to webpages and enabling GTM Universal Analytics Property Creation in GA GTM UA / GA3 Pageview tag creation GA3 Event tag creation by capturing CSS selector for the button event trigger GA4 Property Creation and linking via GA Enabling GA4 pageview tag  Using GTM GA4 migrator tool to migrate GA3/UA event tags to GA4 Scanning though the GA4 event migration Validation using GTM debug mode Report validation

Mobile Web Analytics Bango

For the first time you can get real time, accurate information about key metrics such as the number of unique visitors to you and an independent comparison of the success/conversion rates for all your mobile marketing campaigns. There are two implementations: 1.Campaign tracking which enables you to get a independent measurement of all your mobile marketing and advertising campaigns and their success. 2. PAGE TRACKING which enables you to track what users are doing on your mobile sites, who your visitors are and where they are coming (similar to Google Analytics but for mobile). Bango Analytics gives you answers to the following questions: · How many unique visitors had you had (rather than just visits)? · Which country and operator are your visitors from? · How many times have they visited your mobile site? · What content do they like? · Which search engine or advertisement have they come from?/Best ROI · How much money have they spent? ...

Verisign SSL Keyword Ranking Report

Search Marketers working with SSL certificate developing and selling companies would find this post very useful. Verisign is one of the stalwarts of SSL security market. I have compiled a keyword ranking report for Verisign SSL. The keyword report showcases the keyword ranking and the web pages for which it ranks in Google search engine. Search marketers can download the report from the below given link. Verisign SSL Keyword Ranking Report

Review of Mobile Web Analytics Tool Bango

Mobile analytics tools are slowly emerging in the market. It seems that marketers have understood the importance of analyzing visitors from mobiles to their websites. Traditional web analytics tools doesn't have the ability to give statistics of mobile visitors due to technology incompatibility. What I mean is that " most of the mobiles do not support Javascript and cookies used by web analytics tools" to render the visitor metrics.People accessing websites through their mobiles are gradually increasing day by day. This means a small percentage of sale is happening through mobile users. The present small percentage has every potential to climb up over a period of time. Not considering the behaviour of mobile users will be costly miss to the online companies. 'Bango' is a simple and robust mobile web analytics tool. Well, good tools come with a price and so is 'Bango.' Bango offers a 30 day free trial period. Marketers can make use of this opportunity to s...

Comodo Instantssl Certificates

Comodo Instantssl certificates are robust SSL certificates issued by Comodo which itself is a Certification Authority (CA). People looking out for SSL certificates trust Comodo Instantssl at par with Verisign SSL certificates. The trust gained by Comodo Instantssl as a Certification Authority is enormous and it can easily outplay its competitors in the SSL certificates market. Comodo Instantssl has donned the cap of a highly reliable and trusted SSL certificate that can be purchased instantly without any hassles in the issuing process. The process of issuing certificates include verifying the legitimacy of the websites and number of other factors. Comodo Instantssl certificates are priced competitively. Comodo Instantssl enhances security of the website and increases the conversion rate of the websites.

Grand Office Pongal Celebrations at Comodo India Office

Pongal was celebrated in a grand manner at our Comodo India Office located in Nandanam, Chennai. Read the entire write-up about the office Pongal celebrations by clicking on the below links. 1) Pongal Celebration 2 Office Pongal Celebrations

Comodo Office Pongal Celebrations

I celebrated a memorable Pongal festival along with my colleagues here at Comodo India office on Jan 13. Comodo India office is the linchpin of Comodo headquarters located in New Jersey, USA. Please read the interesting posts about office pongal celebration from the below links. 1) Pongal Celebration 2 Office Pongal Celebrations

Google Adsense Optimization Guide

Linking your Adsense account to Google analytics account is the best way to improve the performance of your Adsense ads. Below are the benefits of linking Adsense account with analytics account. 1) Find out the traffic sources of visitors who click on your Adsense ads and optimize your content. Similarly identify the geo location of your visitors and the webpages and carry out the optimization activities. 2) Gift your website visitors a wonderful user experience by improving the web pages where visitors spend very less time. Google analytics may look like a very simple and less powerful tool for those who judge the tool before signing up to use the tool. Once people signs up and starts using the tool their entire negative perception towards the tool vanishes away in seconds and here is where admiration starts booming eternally. 3) Discover the kinds of ads that have more possibility of getting clicked and optimize your web pages for those kind of ads. Now you would be willing to kno...