
Showing posts from January, 2016

Migration Automation Tool: Migrate Google Analytics GA3 / Universal Analytics(UA) to GA4 using Google Tag Manager

Here is POC on Migrating GA3 / Universal Analytics to GA4 using Google Tag Manager. Demo Covers: Creation of GTM Account, Container and Workspace for tags  Adding GTM codes to webpages and enabling GTM Universal Analytics Property Creation in GA GTM UA / GA3 Pageview tag creation GA3 Event tag creation by capturing CSS selector for the button event trigger GA4 Property Creation and linking via GA Enabling GA4 pageview tag  Using GTM GA4 migrator tool to migrate GA3/UA event tags to GA4 Scanning though the GA4 event migration Validation using GTM debug mode Report validation

As the testing industry grows and matures, more testers will likely:

But before the testing industry can really prove its worth, more testers will need to know  why  they’re testing -- before they start running tests. To answer “why", you must first formulate a sound hypothesis. Your hypothesis needs to get to the core of what you’re trying to achieve through testing. Testers who start with solid hypotheses have better odds of running valid tests with significant results. Valid tests can lead to big conversion gains. Big conversion gains can equate to big revenue increases. And, of course, big revenue increases mean your company’s doing well. The rest is a no-brainer. If you’re helping your company profit, you might just get that bonus, after all!

Segmentation, personalization, and dynamic content tests

Segmentation, personalization, and dynamic content tests are different words used to describe the same testing technique? Segmentation, personalization, and dynamic content tests are similar to each other. But they are not exactly the same. Each test method differs in how it works, what it looks at, and how it’s run. Segmentation and personalization tests can be thought of as running along the same continuum. But they are different. Segmentation tests play off the idea that not every visitor coming to your site is the same. Visitors are coming from different devices, locations, and may even speak different languages. WhichTestWon’s State of Online Testing Report found 12% more segmentation tests were run this year, compared to last year. That’s an impressive gain that shows the testing industry is maturing. Personalization tests take individual visitor segments -- like device used, or language spoken, or even 'affluent dog owners in the market for a late-model Toyota' -- to ...

Which testing practice is usually considered advanced or sophisticated?

Currently, some of the most complex tests to run are segmentation, personalization, and dynamic content tests. These tests require a deep understanding of who your audience is, where and how your traffic is arriving, and what your viewers require. Unsure what the other test techniques are? Here’s an explanation: A/A, A/B, or A/B/N tests are just a fancy name for the plain, old split test.  •    An A/A test splits traffic 50/50 and tests the exact same thing against itself. A/A tests are usually implemented before A/B testing to make sure test results will be valid. •    A/B, or traditional split testing, occurs when you split traffic 50/50 and compare version A to version B to see which converts better. •    A/B/N testing occurs when you compare any number (N) of versions against each other to determine which converts best. Sequential testing is different than split testing. It occurs when you test one element, then another, and compare...

Few testers look far down the conversion funnel because doing so

Testing further down the funnel requires sophistication and a mature, practiced testing approach. While there’s still much room for improvement, WhichTestWon’s 2015 State of Online Testing report shows the testing industry is heading in the right direction.  This year, more testers than ever before ran highly sophisticated tests. They also used more advanced testing and measurement techniques. Curious what we mean by “sophisticated” tests and techniques? Try your luck at the next few questions to find out.

Measuring conversion rates on “thank you” pages provides?

Harnessing the power of ‘thank you’ is important. It’s also often overlooked.  Testers tend to get so wrapped up generating leads and sales, they forget to test the receipt / thank you page. But testing this last step in the sales funnel offers a golden opportunity. That’s because roughly 40% of traffic landing on your thank you page will convert again for something else.  Take advantage of this high conversion rate by testing ways to bring your customers back – again and again. When testing thank  you pages, make sure to think about your audience. Find ways to cater to both first-time and return visitors. Both have different needs. Consider testing different offers for each group to keep them coming back. Test  your thank you emails, too. Did you know new customer thank you emails have the highest open rate of any message you’ll ever send? That’s an insane amount of attention you’ll never get from your customers again. Test ways to extend conversion...

Creating exit offers causes friction and does little to improve conversions

Creating exit offers makes it difficult for your customers to leave without a conversion of some type. Exit offers might come in the form of an animated pop-up, a special offer, or something else that keeps visitors on your site longer. Yes, creating exit offers can create annoyance. But, when done correctly, they can also be highly beneficial. In this award-winning real-life test, using  an exit offer increased conversions an astounding 473%! Use exit offers to your advantage. Test new techniques and ways to create it.  Whatever you do, don’t let prospective customers easily leave without trying to get at least a micro-conversion from them.​

What is the biggest roadblock preventing shoppers from making a purchase?

Most customers don’t want to take the time to create / register an account. Or, if they’re returning customers, they might not remember the email or password used to register. Consider testing removing, or at least simplifying, the registration process.  HOWEVER. . . if you do NEED visitors to register, test for savvy ways to make the registration process more appealing. In this real-life test, The Honest Company tested a takeover-style registration form versus a pop-up registration form. The more appealing takeover-style registration form (Version A) increased membership registrations 15.4% over the homepage/overlay version.  

What percent of shoppers are likely to abandon an ecommerce site at the checkout page?

Research shows, on average, about 70% of shoppers will abandon your site at checkout.  This statistic means for every 100 shoppers adding something to their cart, only about 30 will actually go through with the final purchase. The other 70 will leave without buying anything! Shopping cart abandonment is one of the worst curses of ecommerce. The good news is that there is a remedy: testing! If you test ways to improve your checkout process, you can hugely improve your bottom line and online sales.