
Showing posts from February, 2010

Migration Automation Tool: Migrate Google Analytics GA3 / Universal Analytics(UA) to GA4 using Google Tag Manager

Here is POC on Migrating GA3 / Universal Analytics to GA4 using Google Tag Manager. Demo Covers: Creation of GTM Account, Container and Workspace for tags  Adding GTM codes to webpages and enabling GTM Universal Analytics Property Creation in GA GTM UA / GA3 Pageview tag creation GA3 Event tag creation by capturing CSS selector for the button event trigger GA4 Property Creation and linking via GA Enabling GA4 pageview tag  Using GTM GA4 migrator tool to migrate GA3/UA event tags to GA4 Scanning though the GA4 event migration Validation using GTM debug mode Report validation

Major Drawback of Google Analytics when Compared with Omniture and CoreMetrics

Google analytics has a major drawback on its ecommerce reporting part. It always gives credit to the keywords or referrals used by people last time when they visited the website. This is a major issue because the ultimate objective of an ecommerce site is sales. Knowing the keywords and referring sources that reasoned the sales is the foremost valuable thing for a website owner, a great clue for repeating the sales. Websites using Google analytics will get only the keywords and referring sources used by people who purchased the product, the last time they visited the website..  Can Google Analytics maintain it Enterprise Class here also ? YES IT CAN. Here is a way to track the first click with Google analytics..thanks to Patrick Altoft, Director of Search at Leeds based digital & SEO agency Branded3 for providing a simple hack to help Google Analytics maintain its high standards against Omniture and CoreMetrics.  Read the full post here.. Patrick Altoft is Director of Sear...

Google Analytics Discussions on Important topics in a Video

Avoid spammed pageviews in Google Analytics Gather ecommerce tracking variables on 3rd party shopping carts. Issues popping up on maintaining campaign information on 3rd party shopping carts. Competitors links showing up in your referring sources Locate Singapore in map overlay of Google Analytics View referring URLs in the campaign report Google Analytics $Index metric. Event tracking and bounce rate Watch the video presentation on all the above mentioned important topics in Google Analytics.

Email from Google Ad Manager DoubleClick for Publishers (DFP) Small BusinessTeam

Hello, Since Google's acquisition of DoubleClick in March of 2008, you may have noticed a number of significant improvements to Google Ad Manager designed to make managing your inventory and ad operations faster and easier. The new Inventory and Admin tabs are just a few such enhancements and there are many more on the way. These innovations were made possible by listening to your feedback and building upon the strengths of Google Ad Manager as well as technology and insight from DoubleClick's publisher suite. Today, we announced our next generation publisher ad serving platform, the new DoubleClick for Publishers (DFP) from Google, which further leverages the combined strengths of Google and DoubleClick. As part of this announcement, we're excited to let you know that all of our Google Ad Manager publisher accounts will be upgraded to DFP Small Business . This is the next generation of Google Ad Manager, bringing you many of the features you have requested like a complete...

US Federal Government Approves Google Analytics | Best Recognition for the Great Enterprise Tool (FREE)

Google Analytics gets the best recognition for the greatest insights it can shower to enhance the performance of websites. GOOGLE ANALYTICS HAS WON A PLACE IN US FEDERAL GOVERMENT WEBSITE in its web site. web site is a place where US government agencies and services could find approved cloud computing applications. Congrats Google Analytics Team for adding another feather to your cap!

Free Enterprise Web Analytics Tool Google Analytics vs Ominiture Site Catalyst | WebTrends | ClickTracks

Google Analytics is a free enterprise class web analytics tool. Every page in the website has to be tagged with the javascript code to track and improve the performance of websites. Benefits: Excellent tool to track and report on all visitor interactions.  - Know what your visitors are doing and understand their behaviour  - Gather knowledge on improving your website interms of design, navigation, content, relevancy etc.  - Track the performance of your marketing campaigns  - Track PPC campaigns (Google Adwords, Yahoo Search Marketing, MSN Adcenter, Miva etc.)  - Track conversions to find ways for improvement  - Increase ROI with the great insights provided by the tool Features: - Crystal clear geographic reports - Tracking internal site search - Automatic Adwords integration by turning on 'Auto Taggin' in Google Adwords account - Paid and free keywords performance - Tracking the performance of marketing campaigns. - Integration with Adsense - Track up to 2...