
Showing posts from 2007

Migration Automation Tool: Migrate Google Analytics GA3 / Universal Analytics(UA) to GA4 using Google Tag Manager

Here is POC on Migrating GA3 / Universal Analytics to GA4 using Google Tag Manager. Demo Covers: Creation of GTM Account, Container and Workspace for tags  Adding GTM codes to webpages and enabling GTM Universal Analytics Property Creation in GA GTM UA / GA3 Pageview tag creation GA3 Event tag creation by capturing CSS selector for the button event trigger GA4 Property Creation and linking via GA Enabling GA4 pageview tag  Using GTM GA4 migrator tool to migrate GA3/UA event tags to GA4 Scanning though the GA4 event migration Validation using GTM debug mode Report validation

Tips to Optimize New Website

Search engine optimization is essential to increase your targeted traffic. Once you know "how to optimize a website" and "implement the seo tactics" the traffic for your website will increase. Tips to optimize a new website: If you have a new website, it is like a new born baby, and adequate attention has to be shown inorder for the website to grow well among the other established websites. On-Page optimization: On-Page optimization is very crucial to make the websites rank for a particular keyword/keyword phrase. On-page optimization and off-page optimization are formidable wings of website optimization. To get good ranking in google and other major searchengines, on-page and off-page optimization have to be carried out simultaneously. This is a "rule of thumb." Off-page Optimization: Google gives foremost importance to back links. Backlinks can be campared to votes a politician gains in an election, if more people votes on him, higher is the success perc...

Sample Dynamic Landing Page

Would you like to check an example of a dynamic landing page? Just mention your name in place of "yourname" in the following url and paste the url into the address bar of the browser. Sit back and watch the fun. Free Website Advertising

Website Optimizer - A/B Test

Steps to set up A/B Test using Adwords Website Optimizer Choose the page you would like to test Examples of potential test pages could be your homepage or a product detail page. Create alternate versions of your test page Create and publish different versions of your test page at unique URLs so that Website Optimizer can randomly display different versions to your users. These URLs could be bookmarked by your users, so after your experiment finishes, you may want to keep these URLs valid. Identify your conversion page This is an existing page on your website which users reach after they've completed a successful conversion. For example, this might be the page displayed after a user completes a purchase, signs up for a newsletter, or fills out a contact form. Name your tesing page and identify the pages you want to test Name your experiment The experiment name will help you to distinguish this experiment from others; your users won't see this name.Experiment name: Identify the p...

Supplemental Pages and Normal Pages

Supplemental index was introduced in 2003, to differentiate it from the rest of the results. The pages which falls in to supplemental index seldom ranks, shown rarely in SERPs. Supplemental pages made the webmasters/SEO understand that they need attention to get them out of the supplemental index and to gain a place in the index document. Google clearly labelled the supplemental pages, once necessary work is done to those pages to bring them out of the supplemental pages, google removes the label and keep them in normal results. Google came up with a major update on July 31 2007 to remove supplemental label and to unite it with normal results. Now webmasters/SEO confront the issue of finding out which are the supplementary pages, eventhough the label has been removed the qualities and ranking nature remain the same for supplemental pages. On Dec 18 2007 google has assured justice for supplemental results by eliminating the distinction between "supplemental pages" and "n...

what is allintitle:

Writing a query with allintitle: will fetch you the webpages containing the all of the query in the title.

Site:domain name

Site: query modifier assits website owners to know "how many of their website pages have got indexed in a search engine." For instance, [ site: ] will find pages within that have got indexed in search engines.

New Google analytics tracking code | ga.js replaces urchin.js in Google Analytics

Google unleashes new Google analytics tracking code. The new tracking code is coined as ga.js andwill replace urchin.js. What is special in the new tracking code? The new tracking has got custom-make options and auto detection of https. The new code gets updated with the features getting released hereafter, the old urchin.js will not be receiving any updates hereafter. _trackview function takes the place of urchintracker. Trackview function can measure page views and custom links viz. flash, downloads etc. though counts those page views as extra page views.The users of the urchin.js can continue to use the code for another one full year, after that the code will not work. How to change the tracking code? Very easy, the unique UA number has to be replaced in the new code. Features of new GA code that can be customised Tracking virtual page views Tracking downloaded files Tracking a page in multiple accounts Tracking subdomains Track a visitor across domains using a link Track a visitor...

Google Video Sitemaps

Submitting video sitemap to google will make your video urls gain a place in google video.

Google is Amazing: Content Analysis Page added to Webmaster tools

Google has added "content analysis" feature to webmaster tools. Now website owners have a very simple and easy wasy to find out the missing titles, duplicate titles, missing meta description, duplicate meta description, problematic meta description, pages containing non indexable content viz. flash, videos etc. Google is an amazing search engine, demi god of internet, uncrowned prince...... Content Analysis page

About Google Analytics Tracking Code

Google analytics provides a snippet javascript code to be placed in all the webpages that require tracking. Once a request for a file is placed, google uses first party cookies to track the various traffic metrics and send those back to the google analytics server. Read more about How Google Analytics work .

How Google Analytics Works Explained

Once a request for a file is placed with the server through a browser by a visitor, the server supplies the file to the browser making the request. At the same time, the browser may also send requests to other servers which has hosted parts of this page. This is where google analytics server comes in to picture. The browser request the code form the analytics server and the server nods it head by sending the GATC to visitors browser embedded inside the file name Urchin.js. As soon as the browser gets the code through Urchin.js, the code will start identifying and collecting the required matrics and sets a no: of cookies and it is sent back to google analytics server.

Webpage Title Tag

Webpage "Title" is one of the most crucial factors for a search engine to understand the importance of a page with respect to the search query. Studies say the visitors make out what the page is all about only by reading the title of the pages, so title of webpages has to be constructed very carefully and no two pages in the same domains should have similar titles, unless that is unavoidable in some cases. Webpage title is like a sales man for a particular page, carefully crafted web page titles work well in making the visitors understand about the page by just glancing at the title. Visitors do not wish to spend more time to go through the entire page to infer the writing, instead they look for the titles for speedy answers to know where they are standing now.

Search engine optimization and Social Media optimization

Search engine optimization is about creating a smooth road for the search engine spiders to travel and reach the destination. Social media optimization is about eliminating the compound walls so that the content can be freely distributed and shared by the community. List of popular sites for Social Media Optimization: Digg YouTube Newsvine StumbleUpon Social media sites has provided website owners with a way to get rich traffic to their websites, than relying solely on search engines.

Search Engine Ranking Tips

Select Your Target Keywords Create Appropriate Content Position Your Keywords at the Right Places in the Webpage Create a Proper Navigational Structure Make it Easier for Search Engine Spiders to Access Your Page Build Inbound Links Avoid Search Engine Spamming Create a Site Map

Bad Link Building Techniques

Link building techniques to avoid Say no to Links Farms Say no to FFA's (Free-For-All sites) Say no to Irrelevant Links Say no to Reciprocal Links (in most cases) Say no to Links to Sites with Lower PageRank Say no toJavaScrpit redirects Say no to Domain Spam and Duplicate Domains Do not Pay For Links

Google Analytics completed two Years on Nov 14

Google analytics completed its successful march for two years. Even then Google analytics is free! Happy Birthday Google Analytics!!!!! Google Analytics Brian Clifton says: “If you surveyed FTSE 100 companies and asked them whether they were using analytics data to drive business decisions a lot of respondents would say ‘Eh? What’s web analytics?’, even though they had a product and were paying a lot of money for it. “The issue of people just collecting data and not turning it into information exists within a lot of organisations. It’s not unique to any tool. The challenge for the industry is to spread knowledge and educate users about what to do with data.” online business expert

New Javascript Code In Google Analytics

Google Analytics has announced a new javascript tag with increased functionality. This new javascript code will reduce the slowness of the website, which some people has reported earlier. Another feature is that, there will only single javascript code for tracking both secure and non secure pages.

Click-to-call Feature unavailable after Dec 3

There will be no click to call feature in adwords after december 3 20007. That means the time I am posting this information, click to call feature is no more. Find the comments from google: This ad format will no longer appear in Google search results. If you have active click-to-call ad campaigns, they will stop running completely after December 3, 2007. Statistics from click-to-call ads that you have already run (including clicks, impressions, and CPC) will still be included in your reports until January 9, 2008. The click-to-call ads trial was an experiment designed to measure advertiser interest and user adoption. The experiment has ended, and well use the results to improve AdWords and build more solutions for advertisers who value phone calls.

Template centre for My Client Center

Google Adwords announced template center for MCC. From now on users of MCC can manage and create templates for their clients linked from MCC account.

Validating Adwords Display URL

Google doesn't allow adwords users to have more than one display url sharing the same top level domain for a search query in SERPs. But of late there is a delay in validating display urls sharing the same top level domains. This could be a granted opportunity for affiliates advertising for the same organisation.

Adwords Consultant India

Creating a new website and driving targeted traffic to the site within a few days is almost impossible. PPC search engines are handy in these situations. Bidding for keywords and paying for every click in the ad will drive targeted traffic to your websites. The experts in ppc can help you in setting things up and paving way for your prospects to check in. The best PPC engines are Google Adwords and Yahoo Search Marketing . Contact adwords consultant for a discussion. Adwords Consultant Website Optimization India